What is a Reasonable Sugar Baby Allowance

The sugar baby allowance is a tricky thing. The sugar baby allowances have a huge range from the hundreds to the tens of thousands. What is a reasonable sugar baby allowance to ask for?

There are so many different factors that play into the allowance and as such. How to determine a resonable sugar baby allowance can seem impossible. So how do you go about setting a reasonable sugar baby allowance? How much should I ask a Sugar Daddy for?

What is a Reasonable Sugar Baby Allowance, reasonable sugar baby allowance to ask for sugar daddy

We’re going to deep dive into all the factors that help you figure out a resonable range for you. One of the easiest ways to get an idea of a resonable sugar baby allowance should be is by seeing what the average sugar baby allowance is.

Different Types of Arrangements

Since not all sugar relationships have the same payment arrangements. Some sugar daddies prefer to pay a weekly or monthly allowance while others opt for a sugar baby allowance per visit.

A sugar daddy and sugar baby will always need an arrangement to make things between them work. The type of arrangement may differ depending on the two parties.

While each relationship is very different in terms of how often Daddies and Babies are seeing each other. Before you ask for the allowance, you and your sugar daddy may agree the term of arrangment. Is it a short-term or long-term? Will you have sex with your sugar daddy?

This thing may be included in the agreement so that the two parties know how much they are willing to give and take. This also helps with your expectations of each other.

Resonable sugar baby allowance for the first time sugar babies

What is a resonable sugar baby allowance? For the first time sugar babies, you may figure out a good starting allowance for yourself. How to determine your sugar baby starting allowance is simply what you want.

Every sugar baby has different goals and motivations so it’s important to know what you want from the get go.

Are you looking for a few hundred dollars of supplemental allowance every month or looking for an allowance that covers your living expenses? The most important thing is finding an allowance that works for you.

If you are looking for an allowance that covers your living expenses, the reasonable sugar baby allowance is from around $1,000 to $5,000 per month. The average Sugar Baby receives $3,000 in monthly allowance. From these data, you need find a reasonable sugar baby allowance that works for you.

A good place to start is to calculate how much you need to live comfortably – your rent, your car payments, cell phone bills, and all your bills and living expenses. Now add to that an estimated cost of extra material comforts you’d like as well as a range of how much you’d like to save.

What influences the sugar babies allowance?

When you find out a good allowance for yourself, you may consider lots of other factors that may influence how much should I ask a sugar daddy for.

How much can a sugar daddy give?

Most sugar daddies are wealthy men, but not every sugar daddy is a millionaire. The most important quality of a sugar daddy is how generous he is, not how much money he has.

Even if yours is a millionaire – it doesn’t necessarily mean he has the disposable income and liquidity to give you a huge allowance.

Location, location, location

When deciding a reasonable sugar baby allowance, you’ll also want to think about… location, location, location. The simple fact is that location plays a huge part in what you can get.

Some towns and small cities simply don’t have many sugar daddies who’re able to afford larger allowances so take into considering where you live – you’ll probably be able to negotiate a higher allowance in New York, NY than in Marfa, TX.

What are the terms of the arrangement

The terms of the arrangment may influcence a resonable sugr baby allowance. We like to draw out the terms based on several factors. Yours may vary, but here’s an idea of the factors we usually consider when negotiating allowance:

How much time

How often will you meet – once a week? once a month? thrice a week? Basically – how much time will your sugar relationship take up? The more time, the more allowance.

If he wants you to travel with him or spend full night and weekends together – anything that requires a longer time commitment – the allowance should be larger than it would be for in-town date nights out.


Are you expected to not date other men or sugar daddies during your arrangement? For us, exclusivity also warrants a higher allowance.

Other expenses

Do you have to travel to see him? Will you be expected to dress up in clothes you’ll have to shop for? These additional sugar expenses should be covered by the sugar daddy on top of your allowance

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The Average Sugar Baby Allowance

Before sugar babies set reasonable sugar baby allowance, some sugar babies may want to know the average sugar baby allowance.

As we have discussed before, there are many types of sugar arrangments. So there is more than one way to approach how a sugar baby is paid. The two main options are: Monthly Allowance and Allowance Per Visit.

Average Sugar Baby Monthly Allowance

Allowance is the most popular arrangment among sugar daddies and sugar babies. An allowance is either a weekly or a monthly lump sum of money given to the sugar baby.

The average sugar baby monthly allowance is $2,000 to $10,000 per month if you’re living in a big city with plenty of wealthy, successful sugar daddies.

For smaller cities with a dearth of sugar daddies, the average sugar baby monthly allowance is $1,000 to $5,000 per month.

Average Sugar Baby Allowance Per Visit

Another popular arrangement is allowance per visit. This arrangement has certain benefits, such as allowing both parties to test the arrangement – and put a stop to it fairly easily.

For big cities with a plethora of well-to-do sugar daddies, the typical sugar baby allowance per visit is around $150 to $1,500.

In smaller cities, you can expect to a sugar baby allowance per visit between $100 to $1,000.

Don’t compare your allowance to other sugar babies

Firstly, you don’t really know if your fellow sugar baby is making as much as she claims, and secondly, you’re all individuals in different arrangements, so using another sugar baby’s allowance as a measuring stick doesn’t give you a guide on yours.

Conclusion: What is a Reasonable Sugar Baby Allowance

If you want to find out what is a reasonable allowance for a sugar baby, you need to find out how much do you want, what is the avearage sugar baby allowance and know your daddy's range and know well about your terms. So, a reasonable sugar baby allowance varies from sugar daddy to sugar daddy and from sugar baby to sugar baby.

Common mistakes on determing a reasonable sugar baby allowance

Many new sugar babies fall into the trap of trying to determine how much allowance they’re “worth” based on things like their looks, their age, their body size, etc.

A good or resonable sugar baby allowance is not about how much you’re “worth.” You are priceless. There is no way to set a monetary value on yourself and your qualities so don’t even try. Trying to determine your “worth” is really beside the point.

A good or resonable sugar baby allowance is setting a price for the time, attention, effort, and contribution that you’re willing to make to a sugar daddy’s life.

The most important thing is finding the sweet spot monetary range that makes both of you happy.

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We all know how many wonderful and appealing men and women are seeking mutually beneficial arrangements. The Sugar Bowl can be the dreamland of all things Sugar, spice, and everything nice. If you’re looking for a generous sugar daddy, chances are you’ll be able to find it at the following website.

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SugarDaddyMeet.com is one of the oldest sugar dating websites out there. For over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women.

Since its first launch in the year 2007, it has gained almost 2 million users. It is one of the leading Sugar Daddy - Sugar Baby dating websites in the United States. Test SugarDaddyMeet.com for Free now. Good luck in your search.