Tips, tricks for plus size sugar baby

You are a plus sugar baby and was just wondering if there were any other curvy sugar babies out there who had any tips, tricks, etc?

Even you have had some good fortune so far but you may just wonder if there is anything else youcould be doing better.

Tips, tricks for plus size sugar baby, bbw sugar baby

As a plus size sugar baby, you are not targeting the guys who aren't interested in fuller figured sugar babies, you may know how to target those sugar daddies who are interested in plus size sugar babies.

Here are some tips and advice from from other plus size babies who have success in the sugar bowl.

Stay confident

As a BBW sugar baby, you may be being upfront about your body type and all. Just to stay confident and don’t let some clown “sugar daddy” neg you or try to talk down to you over your body type.

You just work your niche, try going on sugar dating sites especially made for plus size sugar daddy and their admirers looking for things like that.

There are a lot of men out there who are attracted to plus size sugar baby that and those are the kind that you want anyway, not the superficial emotionally abusive type who are only willing to look at a person if she fits a certain beauty standard. They would not be a healthy fit for you anyway.

Know your worth! Realize that the bowl is full of judgmental people and people who have a very narrow definition of what beauty is, so it might take you longer.

Remember that it also has a lot of beautiful daddies who are looking for classy, intelligent women to keep them company. As you exude this, you will get more attention. And if you don't, that's okay.. the people who pay attention to you will be worth your attention.

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best sugar daddy website is one of the oldest sugar dating websites out there. For over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women.

Since its first launch in the year 2007, it has gained almost 2 million users. It is one of the leading Sugar Daddy - Sugar Baby dating websites in the United States. Test for Free now. Good luck in your search.

Change the location on your profile

As a plus size Dom and former model. My tips and advice for plus size sugar babies is that as long as you're confident and sure of what you're looking for you'll go a long way.

If anything you can always change the location on your profile to get yourself seen more. Hope this advice helps the new plus size sugar babies.

Win them over with your sparkling personality and beautiful smile

As a plus size sugar baby, don't wait for poential sugar daddies to message you because you know you are probably not what they're looking for at first glance, so try to win them over with my sparkling personality and beautiful smile.

That's not to say you don't think you are nice to look at. You might have a belly, but you are still cute. You will be pleased with how it's working out for you.

If you can string together two coherent sentences, write a sincere and engaging profile, post honest pictures of yourself, reply in a timely manner, and clearly state what you DO and do NOT want, you will do extremely well in the bowl.

If someone isn't a good fit, politely and firmly decline their offer. If someone does look like a promising match, engage with them quickly, manage timelines and expectations, and set a realistic date when the two of you will meet.

Know Your Boundaries

The misconception of being a plus-sized sugar baby is that you can’t say no. If everyone else is allowed to have standards, why can’t you? Know your worth before agreeing to any sugar deal!

If the sugar daddy who contacted you just isn’t your type, you’re more than allowed to let them know that. The whole point of sugaring is to have fun! And if it’s starting to feel more like a job… you’re in the wrong line of work, honey!

Show A Little Skin

Your daddy is perfectly aware of what your body looks like, and even if he isn’t, a sweater isn’t going to do much of a job at hiding it. Embrace your body— and we mean all of it. Curves, hips, thighs; flaunt them, baby!

Don’t get discouraged

The most important and the hardest part of being a plus-sized sugar baby is dealing with rejection. You will get told that you’re just ‘not what they’re looking for’ or rude daddies who flat out insult you.

It is some of the adversities that you will face on this path. The bright side though, is that by weeding out these pesky daddies is how you eventually get to the gold.

So chin up, sugar baby! We’ve still got plenty of teeth to rot with all that sugar you’ve got.

I have had some positive that keep me holding on to hope that being a bigger girl won't shut me out of this lifestyle, but sometimes lately the negatives have been a little overpowering. One POT went as far as to tell me, and I quote, "your face is stunning, but your body is lacking everything a proper SB should be". I totally understand having preferences! :) I have my own as well. But I don't think being so rude about it is ever necessary.

What have other plus size sugar babies' experiences been like

Maybe you are a plus size sugar baby relatively new to the bowl. You may want to socialize with quite a few other plus sugar babies and wnant to know what others have experiences been like.

Being slimmer would open up more options. But there are a number of fuller-figured, successful BBW sugar babies. There's also at least a few sugar daddies who like fuller figured women.

I too am a plus size sugar baby. I’m also 6 foot tall so as our options are limited there are still some out there! I have had some positive that keep me holding on to hope that being a bigger girl won't shut me out of this lifestyle.

A lot of men love to tell us how easier it would be if we were skinny as if that was new fucking information or something. As if we haven’t been fat shamed ever in our life before that moment lol.

I’m a fat Domme and I’ve never had any trouble. I’ve been a top earner in every dungeon I’ve worked in. Don’t listen to the jackasses running in here telling you to lose weight. You are beautiful and have nothing to be worried about.

Beware of "pen pals" and time wasters looking to sext, but will never meet in person. Those people are frustrating and toxic for both sides.

Keep looking and good luck in your search! You may be a good communicator and confident in who you are and what you have to offer. It was mutually beneficial. We went on several trips together and had a blast.

My name is plus size fairy but ive been losing pounds and working on fitness. Im the small end of curvy now so i can give two views being plus size sugar baby and being smaller.

I didnt do badly in the UK sugar bowl when i was last in it. My confidence was quite high and that came across to potential sugar daddies. I chose specific men most of who were overweight and bigger than me.

I know to appeal to wider pool of men i should be average size. Being bigger will not shut you out of sugar lifestyle there will be limits but you can find that better quality men contact you because they are specific looking for your size. Sometimes its gets nasty in here about race and size.

2022 best sugar dating site to find a reliable sugar daddy

best sugar daddy website is one of the oldest sugar dating websites out there. For over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women.

Since its first launch in the year 2007, it has gained almost 2 million users. It is one of the leading Sugar Daddy - Sugar Baby dating websites in the United States. Test for Free now. Good luck in your search.